Current Covid-19 Health Crisis Sets New Waves of Digital Transformation
Published: 5/8/2020 2:47:06 AM

The Covid-19 pandemic has forced many companies to transform and evolve themselves digitally. Remote working has become the need of hour. To support it, businesses need to have tools and processes in place that allow all employees to carry out tasks and communicate efficiently. These tools and software are being offered by a few popular online platforms such as WareBuy. What software and tools are in demand? What are the new trends in digital transformation during COVID-19? Read the post to get answers.
Remote Working Applications
Maintaining social distancing is vital and so is your job. What could be a better option other than work from home? Even companies that were resistant to the idea of a distributed workforce have been forced to implement the work from home (WFH) protocol. While the ability to work from home is an advantage many employees value, many organizations lack the technology infrastructure structure to offer the feature. However, this was made possible with the help of different affordable remote desktop connection software solutions such as WorkAnyWhere.
One unexpected outcome of this health crisis is that many companies had to invest in expensive infrastructure solutions to implement WFH. While some companies will ultimately go back to work in offices, they will have valuable experience about what is required and how to accommodate WFH needs in the future if any untoward incident happens.
Many companies and businesses that had a limited or no online presence have started getting onboard during these tough times. They are now aware that people will not visit their brick-and-mortar stores. In addition to this, different businesses are now offering daily essentials, groceries, and vegetables online. Getting your business on the web has now become simple with different powerful eCommerce platforms such as Futurism Dimensions. Hence, an online presence is a new trend that has been set during this pandemic.
A number of educational institutes and organizations began to turn to virtual learning options during the current health crisis. Different universities made a decision to opt for online learning to cover the rest of the semester in order to contain the spread of the virus. However, a majority of education organizations were not actually ready to make this jump. In spite of this, different small scale and local institutions that are going online, leaving administrators and teachers to ensure that children have access to the tools and technology they require to keep learning from home. The jump to digital education is surely disruptive as it was unplanned, but the educational institutions will be better prepared in the future.
Online Conference and Launch Event
A number of technology companies have ushered a new trend in digital transformation - online conferencing. They did not allow the virus to affect its pipeline and schedule. By now, many companies have successfully conducted conference and launch events online. This not only helped them to work as per their schedule and planning, but also helped them to avoid the product delays that were thought to be inevitable owing to the crisis.
There is no doubt that the current health crisis will change the way the business is done. For some companies that were already digitally capable, there will be increased efforts and small adaptations in the ways they already worked. For the rest, it will change their perspective of how business can be conducted. In the long run, we will see huge changes in working dynamics of different companies all over the world. In fact, a number of companies are mulling over to allow a huge piece of their workforce to work from home post Covid-19 crisis. This is because they have realized the cost-effectiveness of employees doing WFH and how it will play an essential role in the future.
Having said that, adopting these new trends of digital transformation can be a tough move for some businesses. With the correct tools, communication, and leadership, SMEs can debut in digital transformation today. As digital innovations and transformation emerge more rapidly, companies are going to be more connected than before.