

By Netcore Solutions Pvt Ltd

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Highlights : About Smartech

Analytics / ROI tracking

360 degree customer profile

Customer journey mapping

Multi-channel campaigns

Subject line/notification title optimization

About Smartech

Smartech is an India-based, Growth Marketing Platform with cross-channel marketing automation solutions designed to help growth marketers understand, analyze and improve the customer view and journey with a range of features including single-step actionable analytics, artificial intelligence marketing, real-time data, and more. Smartech gives users a single view of their customer activities across various channels and enables users to map customer behavior and respond in real time. Users can also connect with consumers and measure their engagement using artificial intelligence technology. Smartech provides users with the tools to listen, analyze and converse with their customers. By collecting real-time data on customer demographics, geographics, and behaviors across multiple channels and devices, as well as on both offline and online channels, Smartech helps users build a 360-degree view of their customers’ activities and personas. Marketers can utilize this customer data and information on their purchase habits, interests and demographics to understand their intent and send them personalized and timely communication. Real-time analytics give users actionable insight into customer behaviors and attributes, allowing users to make informed decisions based on insights derived from funnels, cohorts, RFM and sunburst charts.


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Product Details


Analytics / ROI tracking

360 degree customer profile

Customer journey mapping

Multi-channel campaigns

Time-space triggers

Subject line/notification title optimization

Campaign content optimization

Customized & contextualized content

Customer lifecycle management

Real time monitoring

Customer trend analysis

Customer segmentation

Multivariate testing

Multi-channel marketing automation

Customer activity reporting

Campaign management


Capture customer demographic, geographic and behavioral data across multiple channels and devices to create a unified customer view with a 360-degree customer profile.

Netcore Smartech supports analytics technology with funnels, cohorts and RFM charts, giving users actionable insight into customer behaviors and engagement.

Use multi-channel marketing automation tools to create and deliver marketing campaigns across email, SMS, voice, push notification, and more.

Netcore Smartech enables users to create agile workflows and use time-space triggers to send the right content to the right customers.

Real-time monitoring technology enables users to record and update any changes in customer behavior quickly and accurately.

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