Simility Fraud Detection
Simility Fraud Detection

Simility Fraud Detection

By Simility

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Highlights : About Simility Fraud Detection

Feed unstructured data to a Simility fraud model


Create, edit, and test custom manual rules

About Simility Fraud Detection

Simility is a cloud-based fraud detection software platform founded by some of Google's fraud fighting teams. Simility analyze millions of transactions per day and flag those recognized as suspicious. Common types of fraud include stolen credit cards, message spamming, account takeover, fake reviews, and promotional bait. Simility's platform allows users to define any undesirable behavior as fraud, so they can detect more subtle behaviors like policy violations and inter-member harassment. Simility's entire platform works right out of the box, but is also highly customizable. Every aspect of the user interface can be customized so that analysts see the important information first, yet have access to all data available, so stay efficient. Manual rules and machine learning models can be tuned in minutes.


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Product Details


Device ID recognizes fraudsters' identities

Machine learning continuously refines detection

Create, edit, and test custom manual rules


Feed unstructured data to a Simility fraud model


Start fighting fraud immediately. Send unstructured data through Similty's iOS and Android SDKs or Javascript snippet.

Analyze fraudulent user behavior with Simility's existing models, based on experience in a number of verticals. Allow analysts to customize detection mechanisms with their own hypotheses of how to catch more fraud.

Simility's custom built machine learning improves fraud detection. Every decision made will be automatically fed back into the machine learning algorithms to catch fraud that's near impossible to see with a human eye.

Automate analysts' workflow. Simility's graphical interfaces allow analysts to see the pattern in any fraudulent behavior. A manual rule builder allows analysts to easily edit their own rules, so they can automate their own work and plug their intuitions into the machine's fraud model.

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