

By Reportz

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Highlights : About Reportz

Create Detailed Reports

Filter, Merge & Display any data you need, using our custom widget builder

Unlimited Number of Widgets

Predefined templates for different campaigns/strategies

About Reportz

Reportz is a KPI reporting tool for in-house SEOs, digital marketing agencies, web analysts, or any other user who needs to track metrics coming from various sources including, but not limited to, Google Analytics, AdWords and Search Console, Ahrefs, Facebook and SEMrush. Users can share the links to white-label reports with their clients or bosses to give them a detailed overview of changes in tracked metrics and goal progression. Reportz provides users with the flexibility to modify date ranges and select the number of widgets they want to combine on a single dashboard. Reportz aims to help users save time by centralizing metrics and information, from various sources, in one location.


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Product Details


Create Detailed Reports

Combine different widgets to create a comprehensive digital marketing report outlining all the metrics you have specified

Filter, Merge & Display any data you need, using our custom widget builder

Get only the information you want, in as much details as needed

Unlimited Number of Widgets

There is no limit to the number of widgets your dashboard can hold, enabling you to track even the most complex projects from one, centralized location

Combine your SEO, PPC, Rankings and other metrics

You can view different metrics in separate widgets or dashboards, but you can also create widgets that will collate stats from several channels/platforms

Predefined templates for different campaigns/strategies

If you want our tool to save you even more time, make use of some of our preset templates for the most popular types of reports. They can be created in an instant and further customized to better suit your needs, but even if left unmodified, they ensure you’ll have access to all the metrics you need

Simple, Intuitive Design

One of the main purposes of our reporting tool is to allow you to present complex data in a way that anyone can understand. Your clients or superiors want a clear overview of progress made, and you want to be able to create reports without having to spend hours getting to know our platform - which is exactly what Reportz is all about

An ever-growing number of integrations with data sources

We have already established a partnership with major data providers, but the list will keep growing, based on both your suggestions and our own initiative

Data sources are widget, not dashboard-specific

Dashboards can contain widgets displaying data from different sources, allowing you to create any kind of dashboard you need

Real-time Updates and Tracking

Your dashboards are updated as soon as changes occur, allowing for constant monitoring and giving you a chance to react in a timely fashion

Responsive, Mobile-friendly Design

If you are like us you won’t be able to relax until you know your campaign is in order. We’ve made sure that you can use Reportz on a mobile device just as comfortably as you can on a PC, keeping you ever vigilant

Report Automation

You can automate reporting for regular clients, ensuring they get regular updates, with zero additional effort from your part

Import Data, Export Ideas

Apart from its integrated data sources, Reportz can also read and incorporate information imported through a CSV. Reports can also be exported as a PDF file, or viewed online


Supports automated reporting.

Offers an unlimited number of widgets.

Allows users to select custom date ranges.

Provides white label customization.

Supports a growing number of integration partners including Google Analytics, Ahrefs and Rank Ranger.

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