Qlik Sense
Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense

By Qlik

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Highlights : About Qlik Sense

Managed data connections

Multi-source data integration

Drag-and-drop techniques

Rapid development environment

Real-time sales analytics

Share and reuse of data

About Qlik Sense

Qlik Sense is a smart and user-friendly analytics tools that can generate personalized reports and very detailed dashboards in an instant. The first place in this category is held by Sisense which has a total score of 9.7/10 and is the winner of our Best Business Intelligence Software Award for 2019. You can try out Sisense for free here. You can also compare Sisense with Qlik Sense and see which one is better for your company. Businesses that are looking for a way to fully explore huge amounts of data and retrieve useful, high-quality insights with surely love Qlik Sense. Perfect for small to huge organizations and even professionals who work individually, Qlik Sense helps users make sense out of their data and get more opportunities and insights at every turn.


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Product Details


Access analytics anywhere

Collaborate and share insights

Drag-and-drop techniques

Drag-and-drop visuals

Explore multiple data sources

Manageable dashboard

Managed data connections

Mobile friendly

Multi-source data integration

Powerful open and standard APIs

Progressive creation

Rapid development environment

Real-time sales analytics

Reveal hidden insights

Scalable plans

Secure downloads

Share and reuse of data

Shared object library

Smart searches


Smart search

The search bar function allows you to type in keywords and phrases to quickly locate data sets, graphs/charts, reports and more.

Self-service creation

Drag-and-drop capabilities offer easy dashboard and report creation without the need for scripting, complex queries or joins.

Centralized management

Qlik Sense acts as one central location for users to develop and share apps, data stories and insights quickly and efficiently.

Data integration

Unify disparate data sources on a single platform. Also, Qlik Sense doesn’t “hide” any data. When manipulating views and dimensions, irrelevant data is “grayed out” instead of disregarded, so you’re still able to discover hidden trends.

Interactive visualizations

Qlik Sense offers users simple visualization creation that instantly responds to changes in dimensions and data context.

Data storytelling

Easily share multiple viewpoints at once while assigning context to data. Storytelling features can also access the original analysis so users can quickly drill down into data to answer questions and change viewpoints.

Responsive design

Whether on desktop, tablet or smartphone (or if you’re simply changing the size of your browser window), Qlik Sense automatically adjusts to give you the best view of its apps.

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