

By ProveSource

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Highlights : About ProveSource

Social Proof for Marketing Purposes

Display & Timing Rules for Notifications

Management Dashboard

Webhooks and Integrations

About ProveSource

ProveSource is a marketing platform that applies the psychological concept called social proof to help businesses enhance online experiences, win the trust of their prospects and customers, and boost conversions. Social proof is a powerful concept wherein the way people think and behave in uncertain situations are somehow being influenced by the decisions and actions of others. In other words, they tend to imitate others under the assumption that the latter are more knowledgeable than them and can act rationally. ProveSource enables users to leverage social proof not just as a psychological concept but also as a marketing strategy. The social proof marketing platform is implemented by different types of businesses which include retail, eCommerce, SaaS, and travel to add social proof marketing capabilities to their websites and applications, influence buying decisions, and generate more leads. With ProveSource, they will be able to increase conversions by showing to website visitors and app users what others are purchasing and what they think and feel about the products, items, or services they are buying.


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Product Details


Social Proof for Marketing Purposes

Customizable Notifications

Automatically Capture Conversions

Webhooks and Integrations

Customer Activities & Behaviors

Display & Timing Rules for Notifications

Verified & Credible Notifications

Management Dashboard


Highlight Customer Activities

ProveSource is equipped with features that make it easy for users to enable social proof marketing on their websites and applications. One of those features is the ability to highlight the behaviors and activities of customers on websites and applications such as the products they recently ordered and purchased the comments and reviews they made for the products or services they purchased, and more.

Create Notifications

Another feature included in ProveSource is that it allows users to create, customize, and launch notifications. They are given the freedom to decide how these notifications will appear and when they will be displayed by setting rules. So what’s the significance of this feature? Basically, this feature enables them to alert prospects and customers on activities related to social proof. They will be notified when others are visiting a website or web page, making a purchase, joining a particular program, and other social proof activities.

Credible Conversions

ProveSource also makes sure that users are able to capture, monitor, and highlight conversions that are verified and credible. They can keep track of such conversions using custom web forms and webhooks. The logic behind this feature is that it helps them ensure that buying decisions should only be influenced by real activities and events, eliminating the possibility of luring prospects and customers into something that is not genuine, authentic, or true.

Management Dashboard

ProveSource comes with a clean, beautiful, and intuitive dashboard where all the essential information users need are organized. From this dashboard, they will be able to see the notifications they created, their status, and when they were launched. They can even preview how these notifications are being shown to prospects and customers. The dashboard centralizes monitoring and management tasks, and at the same, enables them to easily concentrate on the things that matter most.

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