

By Hubert Labs

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Highlights : About Hubert

Custom Survey URLs

Data Analysis Tools

Site Intercept Survey

Question Branching

About Hubert

Hubert is an enterprise solution that seeks to provide users with a platform that is capable of streamlining the process of gaining customer or employee feedback through surveys. It utilizes artificial intelligence to refine a chatbot’s ability to conduct conversations while simultaneously analyzing the data. Among the features of Hubert, there is one that is notable and unique: its ability to not only analyze data but to also collect and gain insights from its conversations. These analytics are available to the user in real-time, and it is capable of analyzing content, intent, and sentiment. The goal of the team behind Hubert is to provide a feedback tool that can collect the information that business owners need to improve and compete effectively and efficiently. Through its ability to ask probing questions, maintain a conversation, and analyze data, Hubert is unique and cost-effective.


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Product Details


Custom Survey URLs

Skip Logic

Data Analysis Tools

Mobile Survey

Question Branching

Site Intercept Survey


Conversational Interface

Because Hubert seeks to give its users the feedback they need to move forward, a benefit of the platform is that it replaces traditional surveys with a conversation interface. In so doing, Hubert is able to have more insightful conversations and a higher response rate compared to pen and paper feedback forms, which have been found to cause survey fatigue.

Quantitative and Qualitative Capabilities

Being able to hold conversations may be significant but not if there is a limited number of respondents. To address this problem, Hubert is capable of combining the importance of both quantitative and qualitative data. It achieves this by being able to hold conversations on a large and quantifiable scale while also providing qualitative insights.

Intelligent and Probing Follow-Up Questions

The feedback that Hubert receives and analyzes is further enriched throughout the conversation it conducts with a respondent. Hubert is equipped with the ability to ask intelligent and probing follow-up questions to eliminate vague and surface-level information and uncover deeper insights.

Open-Ended Questions and Scale Responses Support

While Hubert is fully capable of conducting scale-based surveys, it can also conduct the conversation with open-ended questions. This feature entices respondents to answer questions on their own terms instead of suffering throughout the process because of survey fatigue and limiting questions. Through its ability to flexibly respond depending on the conversation, Hubert attempts to not only maintain the conversation but also to collect information beyond the domains dictated by a survey creator.

Real-Time Solutions

To further emphasize the importance of the respondents’ feedback, Hubert is capable of handling automated workflows that can be used to send issues to the relevant personnel or to create a task that would allow it to send a follow-up on the resolution. Respondents would then receive a direct resolution thereby instilling a sense of importance and effectively ending the feedback loop.

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