

By Convertize

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Highlights : About Convertize

Cart Abandonment Solution

Automatic Notifications

Customizable Templates

Live Chat Customer Support

Visual Statistics & Analytics

Recent Activity Notifications

About Convertize

Convertize is a website optimization tool based on consumer psychology designed for eCommerce websites, SaaS companies, consultants and online agencies. It enables website optimization using A/B testing with a built-in library of optimization tools. The platform includes an automatic checklist before going live for factors including the number of scenarios being tested, the estimated experiment duration, the implementation of the tracking pixel and more. Users can personalize their webpages and target specific groups of people in a number of ways with relevant content. Targets include devices (desktop, mobile and tablet), languages, countries, referral domains, specific times of the day, cookies, and new/returning visitors. Users can set multiple goals, including URL goals (e.g. visits), micro goals (e.g. click) and eCommerce goals. Additionally, users can choose how much traffic is sent to each version of a page and preview changes before they're published. Convertize also includes cross-domain tracking, test duration forecasts, Google Analytics integration and real-time reporting.


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Product Details


Automatic Notifications

Cart Abandonment Solution

Conversion Rate Optimization

Churn Management

Customizable Templates

FOMO Notifications

Live Chat Customer Support

Multi-language Translations

Native Shopify App

Page View Notifications

Preview Notifications

Real Time Notifications

Recent Activity Notifications

TrustPilot Integration

Social Proof Notifications

Visual Statistics & Analytics

Website Form Integration

WordPress Plugin


Convertize delivers a powerful conversion optimization platform

Convertize delivers a powerful conversion optimization platform that is built to help businesses create powerful and unique experiences for their visitors, existing customers, and potential clients using an approach grounded in consumer psychology. The software lets you enhance your customers’ experience based on their behaviors, historical data, tendencies, and more, letting you drive engagement and increase conversion more efficiently.

Convertize increase customer engagement in a whole new way

By creating and promoting a sense of urgency, Convertize increase customer engagement in a whole new way. The software does this by displaying dynamic notifications that are guaranteed to grab your visitors’ attention and encourage them to immediately perform your desired actions, whether to make the purchase, subscribe to a service, or sign up for something.

Convertize’s SmartPlugin

You are able to see and gauge the performance of your messages with Convertize’s SmartPlugin feature. It is powered by a smart algorithm that shows you your most effective and persuasive messages and helps you optimize your results in real time.

Geolocation helps you display the most relevant ads and messages to your visitors

Convertize automatically shows ads, messages, and content that your audience can easily and quickly relate to based on their geographical location. This effectively enhances customer engagement with your products and services without you breaking a sweat as Convertize does this automatically after a few clicks.

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