

By Beanstalk

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Highlights : About Beanstalk

Revision history and log

Code review tools

Daily digests and notifications

Email & chat support

Repository browsing, diffs, blame

Automatic & manual deployments

About Beanstalk

Beanstalk is a simple version control software designed to remove the hassle of managing deployments and hosting codes, ultimately allowing development teams to concentrate on creating smart software. It is a comprehensive workflow platform that permits developers to keep codes in subversion (SVN) or Git repository. The platform enables organizations and independent developers to write, review, and deploy code to their servers with ease. Beanstalk is a hassle-free, hosted solution that performs all complicated configurations to simplify version control while ensuring all codes are safe, readily available, and backed up. The package allows you to restrict permissions to critical repositories and offers read/write or read-only permissions to all codes. Some of its main features include code review tools, subversion & Git, In-browser code editing, revision logs and history, repository browsing, and secure infrastructure.


  Business Size
Premise, Cloud, Open API
  Language Support

Product Details


Subversion and Git

Revision history and log

Code review tools

Daily digests and notifications

Email & chat support

Repository browsing, diffs, blame

In-browser code editing

Automatic & manual deployments

Secure, redundant infrastructure

Preview & share HTML and images


Easy to use

Beanstalk offers rock-solid subversion (SVN) and Git hosting that require no client. The solution allows you to add files, fashion branches, and edit code directly in a browser. Also, managing teams and permissions is a breeze. Beanstalk makes it easy to define branch level and repository permissions for complete control of individuals and teams. Better still, with the solution, every member of your team is always on the know thanks to the email digest, notifications, compare views, and detailed history of files and commits.

Efficient code review

Beanstalk is also designed to streamline the code review management process. The application allows you to request a code review, assign reviews to a team member, and work on codes without a struggle. It enables outside development teams to work directly with your team of developers to improve the quality of the codes.

Multiple Environments

Beanstalk allows you to customize the deployment configurations for each deployment environment. Every environment can deploy code to one of the multiple servers simultaneously, and handle simple and multifaceted infrastructure for all applications.

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