Desktop Publishing Software
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InCopy for enterprise - Commercial
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Licensing Program :Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) License Type :Enterprise Licensing Subscription Renewal
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Total Cost : $ 64.30

InCopy for enterprise - Government
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Add paragraph borders Advanced font filtering
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Total Cost : $ 64.30

InCopy for teams - Commercial
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Product Line :Adobe InCopy Localization (Vendor Specific) :Adobe Multi North American Language
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Total Cost : $ 64.30

InCopy for teams - Government
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Parallel collaborative workflow Enhanced search
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Total Cost : $ 64.30

Presenter Video Expr for teams - Education
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Product Line :Adobe Presenter Model :Video Express for Teams
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Total Cost : $ 102.99

Presenter Video Expr for teams - Commercial
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Licensing Program :Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Product Line :Adobe Presenter
Select Number of Users :
Total Cost : $ 102.99

InCopy - Pro for enterprise - Government
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Endnote support Advanced font filtering
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Total Cost : $ 141.67

InCopy - Pro for enterprise - Commercial
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Endnote support Modern user interface
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Total Cost : $ 141.67

Presenter Licensed for enterprise - Education
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Model :for Enterprise Product Line :Adobe Presenter
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Total Cost : $ 193.08

Acrobat Pro DC for teams - Education
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Scanning Take your PDF tools to go
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Total Cost : $ 218.86

Acrobat Standard DC for enterprise - Government
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Product Line :Adobe Acrobat Model :Standard DC for Enterprise
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Total Cost : $ 218.86

Acrobat Standard DC for teams - Government
By Futurism Technologies
Features: Licensing Program :Adobe Value Incentive Plan (VIP) Model :Standard DC for teams
Select Number of Users :
Total Cost : $ 193.08
What Is Desktop Publishing Software?
Desktop publishing software is a tool for graphic designers and non-designers to create visual communications such as brochures, business cards, greeting cards, web pages, posters, and more for professional or desktop printing as well as for online or on-screen electronic publishing.