

By Synacor, Inc

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Highlights : About Zimbra

Activity streams and RSS feeds

Badging and points

Content reputation and quality scoring

Email Archiving & Discovery

Hashtags and @mentions

Integration with 3rd party tools

About Zimbra

Zimbra is a collaboration software app that provides you with a complete suite of social tools that include blogs and microblogs, forums and wikis, content editing and web pages, media galleries and video embedding, tags and tag clouds. With Zimbra, you can set up your personal profile, find others and send friend requests, create events and polls, like statuses, leave comments etc. With Zimbra, you can also set up a personal cloud with an inbox that is integrated with your email. With that personal inbox you can utilize the voice, task, address book, and calendar, files and the file sharing capabilities. You can use various features to stay connected with the team members in every time zone. The files and folders can be shared in a secure way with Zimbra.


  Business Size
Premise, Cloud
  Language Support

Product Details


Shared Calendar

Social Analytics

Blog and Micro Blogs

Q&A Tracking and Monitoring

Badging and Points

Activity Streams and RSS Feeds

People Search and Content Search

Email Archiving and Discovery

Media Galleries, Photo and Video Embedding

Tags and Tag Clouds

Liking and Commenting

Events and Polls

Instant Messaging


Advanced Q&A tracking and reporting

With Zimbra, you can gain a lot. You can search for expertise with the help of advanced Q&A tracking and reporting. To evaluate the content you can use the content reputation, quality scoring, badging and points. Due to the integration with Cisco and Mitel, you can get instant messaging, voicemail and click-to-call and call record history.

Social analytics

Zimbra will also provide you with a social workflow through which the members can pose the challenges and suggest ideas. Also, with the help of social analytics, you can cause the community to become healthier and boost its effectiveness. The privacy and the control of your data are ensured while you run over the community on your premises – remember Zimbra is one of today’s most advanced tracking and reporting systems, and has thereof a reputation of a great management system that includes crowdsourced abuse reporting, extensible abuse management as well as reporting.

The user interface is categorized as extremely friendly, flexible, and configurable.

The same can be said concerning the app’s out-of-the-box integrations, and the varying pricing scheme designed to suit businesses from all scales and industries. Don’t forget that a 60-days fully-equipped trial is available for first time users, and that there is also a lifetime open-source package startups can use for free.

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