

By Sensu, Inc

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Highlights : About Sensu


Embrace auto-scaling with confidence and real-time visibility. Sensu automates the registration and de-registration of servers, containers, services, apps, functions, and connected devices.

Monitoring as code

Sensu Go codifies monitoring workflows into declarative configuration files that can be shared amongst team members, treated as code, edited, reviewed, and versioned.


Sensu Go was designed from the ground up for self-service workflows with features like deeply-embedded role-based access controls (RBAC) and namespaces.

About Sensu

Sensu is a cloud-based network monitoring solution that assists businesses of all sizes with performance data collection and diagnostics. Its key features include server performance, bandwidth monitoring, uptime monitoring, network resource management and event logs. The application comes with a module that enables network teams to monitor ephemeral container infrastructures such as Kubernetes, RedHat OpenShift, Docker, Mesos, Cloud Foundry and collect events, metrics and labels. Teams can use this system to collect StatsD and Prometheus metrics and store data with tools including InfluxDB, ElasticSearch or Splunk. Network managers can use this solution to monitor large-scale environments by traversing complex network topologies such as NATs, VPNs and firewalls. Sensu is compatible with monitoring tools such as Nagios and Zabbix and provides alerts on the aggregate health of a service across multiple nodes. It is available on a monthly subscription and support is provided via phone, email and online help desk.


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Product Details


250+ Integrations

Automated Discovery

Availability Testing

Bandwidth Monitoring

Basic Alerts & Incident Management

CPU Monitoring

Container Monitoring

Developer APIs

Event-Based Notifications

FTP Monitoring

Graphing Dashboards (Grafana Integration)

Hybrid Cloud Monitoring

Internet Usage Monitoring

LDAP, Active Directory & OAuth Integrations

Multitenancy & RBAC


Monitor everything from containers and cloud compute instances to bare metal and even mainframes.

Manage availability and application performance monitoring from a single and central platform.

Users can integrate with their existing tools like ElasticDB, Grafana, InfluxDB, helping to streamline the user-workflow.

Automated alerts through email, PagerDuty and Slack enable users to create and resolve incidents as and when they happen.

Collect and store container and application metrics anytime, anywhere via ElasticSearch, Splunk and InfluxDB.

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