

By Flurry

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Highlights : About Flurry

Advanced report filters

Ad hoc cohort and funnel analysis

Usage trend visualization

Measure conversion with funnels

About Flurry

Flurry is an analytics platform for mobile apps, available for free from Yahoo Developer Network. Multi-app views allow for data from up to 5 apps to be examined at one time. Custom app groups can also be set up, with cross-app usage and app-to-app conversion tracking. App performance can also be tracked through Flurry’s native iOS and Android apps, in addition to their web portal. Flurry uses machine learning applied to demographic data from approximately 35 million app users to estimate user age and gender for apps which do not collect this information. This information can be used for user segmentation, alongside app usage statistics, install date, app version, acquisition channel, user location, and language. Flurry identifies users which fit distinct personas, in categories including travel, business, sports, lifestyle, and entertainment, based on the apps they have used recently, and their usage patterns. Personas in Flurry include Sports Fans, Small Business Owners, In-App Purchasers, Entertainment Enthusiasts, Avid Runners, New Moms, Pet Owners, and more. This information can be used to target marketing communications to specific groups of users likely to be more receptive to related advertising.


  Business Size
  Language Support

Product Details


iOS and Android apps

Advanced report filters

Ad hoc cohort and funnel analysis

Multi-app data views

Usage trend visualization

Measure conversion with funnels

User cohorts and personas

In-app user action tracking

Demographic estimates

User acquisition analysis

Crash analytics

User path analysis

App-to-app conversions

Cross-app usage


For apps that do not collect demographic data, Flurry can estimate user age and gender.

User actions can be segmented by app usage, version, install date, language, geography, age, or gender.

Flurry identifies distinct user personas, in categories including sports, travel, business, entertainment, and lifestyle, based on their recent app usage patterns.

User acquisition analysis allows performance to be measured for specific campaigns.

Flurry’s language metrics show a breakdown of users’ region and preferred language.

Flurry automatically notifies users when app metrics go up or down by a preset amount.

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